I tried working on something frivolous… I really did. Somehow it seemed a little pointless.
It’s mostly the negative stuff that gets its claws into me, that feels meaningful enough to work on till it’s done. The paradox is that the drawing of it often makes me happy. As a blog it may seem a bit of a downer, but as therapy it’s working so far!
We’ve been getting freelancers in to cover some gaps at work, and the two great designers I kept chasing both ended up getting senior roles at the biggest agency in town. The agency I had been eyeing off a couple of years back as a creative career path. As opposed to the managerial path I’m on now. So I had a few moments of angst.
But the therapy worked. Management isn’t quite the dark side, and embracing it sounds melodramatic, but I can be a good boss.
And that will be good enough.
Mate you showed great leadership and management of clients, and staff, and me! at CG.
That said, great people don’t need to be managed — they need to be just lead well and constantly recognized for their efforts.
Hey Danny,
Do you have a gallery site (or function of this site) for ogling?
Big Micky
Hey Mike, you must have been prompted by the dream I had about you the other night! We were at a party drinking and smoking cigarettes, and the floor was flooded with an inch or so of water…
It’s not a bad idea to just have a page that shows them all. You could just keep scrolling down?!
I like to show your art off to people, especially other artists and gaming nerds.
It’s often mid game, so not always a chance for much else.